Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Visual Rhetoric pg 21

  • My image defiantly attempts to persuade the audience of something.  it attempts to show the audience that everyone has forgotten about the fact that Obama has a major job to do working on the economy, and that everyone is way too excited about having a black president.
  • There are more elements in this cartoon than the reader originally thinks.  At first, everyone can understand the point of the cartoon.  However, upon further analyzing, the reader Can see deeper.  For instance, the cartoon is directly set outside of the Oval office, meaning that Obama is now moved in and ready to go.  Also, look at the mannerisms of the octopus; it is staring right into the office, destroying everything in its path.
  • The only thing you need to know about the author is that he writes for several different newspapers.  This means that the intended audience is people who watch the news.
  • My interpretation of the cartoon is that everyone s way too caught up with the fact that this election is historic and that they don't realize that we are still in need of help.

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